Managetopia GmbH, Düsseldorf | Sortlist
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Managetopia GmbH

Düsseldorf, Germany
managetopia is a dynamic and innovative software company located in Dusseldorf, Germany. Over the years we have firmly established ourselves as specialists in the market, facilitating international companies with high performance web applications and complex data warehouse and management reporting solutions. Renowned global companies and institutions across different industries trust in our services and continue to adopt effective and successful solutions from #managetopia. Top priority lies with delivering measurable and tangible value added services to our clients. Each investment is treated as a commitment guaranteeing long-term sustainable value for our clients, combining outstanding services with emerging technology. The following specialized areas provide an overview of our extensive range of skillsets and core competencies based on projects deployed: Software Development, Data Management & Analytics, Microsoft Office Development, and Reporting & Visualization Interested in our portfolio? Project Inquiry? Questions related to an upcoming project? Contact us to find the best course of action and suitable solution to transform your business.
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1 service offered by Managetopia GmbH

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  • Description
    Software Development
    Skills in Software Development (1)
    Software Engineering
    Work in Software Development (1)
    Entwicklung / Ticketing-Prozess-Workflow-Modells - Software Development
    Client in Software Development (1)
    Private CompanyBanking & Financials |

    Learn more about Software Development

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5 members in Managetopia GmbH's team

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Contact details of Managetopia GmbH


  • HeadquarterDüsseldorf, Germany